
Sunset Dhow Cruise

Join us for a sunset dhow cruise in the beautiful Mida Creek



Join us for a breathtaking sunset dhow boat trip! πŸŒ… Enjoy a delicious BBQ dinner from 5PM to 8 PM, along with a variety of drinks, including beer, red wine, white wine, sparkling wine, sodas, and more! πŸ”πŸ·πŸΊπŸ₯‚πŸ₯€ What is a Dhow? These elegant and enduring boats have been part of maritime history for centuries. Dhows are typically characterized by their distinctive lateen sails, which are triangular in shape and rigged on a long, inclined mast. The design of dhows has remained relatively unchanged over time, showcasing the craftsmanship of local boat builders. These vessels have been used for various purposes, including fishing, trading, and transportation, making them an iconic symbol of the seafaring cultures of the region.

Sunset Dhow Cruise

Kenya· 1 day